Lighthouse - E-Magazine


Hope amidst Storm.

2022 | February

The Tomb is empty

2022 | May

Don't give up

2022 | July

Don't give up

2022 | September

Don't give up

2022 | December
0) { echo "You have subscribed Already"; mysqli_free_result($selectresult); return false; } return true; } // Selecting Database from Server // Fetching variables of the form which travels in URL $Name=$email=""; if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $uname = $_POST['uname']; $email = $_POST['id']; if (is_valid_email($email)) { $res= mysqli_query($conn,"INSERT INTO subscribe (Name,email) VALUES ('$uname','$email')"); if($res) { echo "Thanks for Subscribing"; } else { echo "You are already subscribed"; } } } //Insert Query of SQL //mysqli_close($conn); ?>

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